President's Report
The Canadian Association of Interventional Cardiology established the Outstanding Achievement Award to recognize a CAIC member who has demonstrated excellence in clinical practice, education, research or leadership within the discipline of interventional cardiology.

2016 - Dr. Raoul Bonan
We are pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2016 Outstanding Achievement Award is Dr. Raoul Bonan!
Dr. Raoul Bonan has been working as an interventional cardiologist at the Montreal Heart Institute since 1978. He graduated from the Université de Paris, and came to the Institute to complete his training. He is also an Associate Professor of Medicine at Université de Montréal. Dr. Bonan is primary or co-author of over 190 scientific articles and 20 book chapters, particularly related to research on cardiovascular percutaneous interventions. He has participated in numerous interventional cardiology live cases and demonstrations around the world, and delivered more than 400 scientific presentations.For the past 30 years, Dr. Bonan has been deeply involved in the medical device industry. He is co-founder of Bio Inspire Technologies Inc. which is devoted to research and development of the new generation of the interventional medical devices.He is proud of his role in bringing many interventional cardiology procedures to Canada, including pulmonary valve dilatation, new balloon and wire for the coronaries, mitral dilatation, intra coronary brachytherapy and, 10 years ago, self-expanding percutaneous aortic valve implantation. The most rewarding aspect of his work, he says, is “teaching and transmission of the progression of the specialty, promoting the success of our Fellows.” His greatest hope is for less and less invasive therapies in cardiology. Dr. Bonan is a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, the European Society of Cardiology, the American Heart Association and the Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions.

2014 - Dr. John G. Webb
We are pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2014 Outstanding Achievement Award is Dr. John G. Webb!
Dr. Webb epitomizes this accolade which recognizes excellence in clinical practice, education, research or leadership within the discipline of interventional cardiology.
Dr. Webb is Director of Interventional Cardiology at St. Paul ’s Hospital in Vancouver, B.C., and the McLeod Professor of Heart Valve Intervention at UBC. The position was created for him in recognition of his leadership in the field.
His current focus is to help develop transcatheter valve therapies as a safe, effective and efficient option for most patients with aortic, pulmonary, tricuspid, mitral and prosthetic valve diseases. Over his career he has distinguished himself by performing “first in man” percutaneous evaluations of numerous modern cardiac devices, several of which have revolutionized the way we treat coronary artery disease. When he turned his attention to the novel treatment of mitral valve disease, he rapidly became recognized as one of the international leaders in that field as well.
Dr. Webb has approximately 400 publications to his credit, leading to the publication of chapters in textbooks on interventional cardiology. This year, he was on the Thomson Reuters list of the top 1% of researchers most cited in their field. Other honours in 2014 include the UBC Killam Research Prize in Science, and the Innovation and Achievement Award from Lifesciences B.C.
With all of his achievements, Dr. Webb is also known for nurturing other clinicians. He is widely sought after for his proctoring skills, and his calm and quiet encouragement to physicians performing new procedures is highly valued.
Colleagues suggest that the originality of his work, and the associated published research, has the potential to revolutionize how cardiovascular intervention and surgery will be practiced around the world, now and well into the future.
Sincere congratulations Dr. Webb from the entire CAIC-ACCI community!

2013 - Dr. Vladimir Džavík
We are pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2013 Outstanding Achievement Award is Dr. Vladimir Džavík! Dr. Džavík is a Past President of CAIC-ACCI, Deputy Head of the Division of Cardiology at the University Health Network and Mount Sinai Hospital and Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto. He is a true leader in Canadian interventional cardiology and his many clinical, academic and leadership contributions embody all that this Award is intended to recognize.
Many of you will be well aware of Dr. Džavík’s distinguished academic career that now includes more than 160 manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals and in excess of 140 published abstracts. His interventional research interests are broad and include the optimal approach to cardiogenic shock, management of persistent coronary occlusion after myocardial infarction and the percutaneous approach to coronary bifurcations. He has served as Principal Investigator, Canadian leader or Executive Committee member for a number of important multicenter international clinical trials in interventional cardiology including OAT, TOSCA-2, SHOCK-2, TRIUMPH, TOTAL and EMPRES. Dr. Džavík is also a member of the Editorial Board of the Canadian Journal of Cardiology and the American Heart Journal. He serves as a reviewer for Circulation, the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, the American Journal of Cardiology, the American Heart Journal, Critical Care Medicine, the European Heart Journal, the Canadian Journal of Cardiology, the International Journal of Cardiology and Eurointervention.
The quality and breadth of Dr. Džavík’s many contributions to the discipline of interventional cardiology speak for themselves. On behalf of CAIC-ACCI Executive, we wish to offer our sincere congratulations to Dr. Džavík as recipient of the inaugural CAIC-ACCI Outstanding Achievement Award.
Eligibility Criteria
1. Nominees must be a CAIC-ACCI member in good standing; and
2. Nominees must have made a substantive contribution to the discipline of interventional cardiology at a local, provincial or national level and demonstrated excellence in clinical practice, education, research or leadership.
Selection Criteria
A nomination submission must include the following documents:
1. A Letter of Recommendation summarizing the candidate's highly respected attributes relative to this award; and
2. A 1 to 2-page biography of the nominee.