Excellence & Leadership

in Interventional Cardiovascular Care

We are the reference for the development and delivery of Interventional Cardiovascular care in Canada and beyond!

Women in Interventional Cardiology

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The CAIC-ACCI executive, in collaboration with key subspecialty and general cardiologists from across Canada, have generated and published a document which provides clinical management guidance during this very dynamic COVID-19 pandemic. A table is included which provides recommendations during both an escalating and abating state, these objectives considered and reflect the core principles of public health ethics.

Newest Courses

Patient with bifurcation lesions



Patient with aortic stenosis


HBR and Complex PCI


For CAIC-ACCI members

We are the reference for the development and delivery of Interventional Cardiovascular care in Canada and beyond.

For Fellows

We are the reference for the development and delivery of Interventional Cardiovascular care in Canada and beyond.

For Patients

We are the reference for the development and delivery of Interventional Cardiovascular care in Canada and beyond.

For CAIC-ACCI members

For Fellows

For Patients